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Philips 7177 SpeechExec Transcription Set (LFH7177/03)
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Philips 7177 SpeechExec Transcription Set (LFH7177/03)

Product ID: 4131666
Secure Transaction


The SpeechExec Transcription Kit 7177 is a digital transcription system specifically designed to make transcription easy and intuitive. A solution that simply lets you get on with your job. The visual workflow management and job overview enables you to organize and plan your workload more efficiently. Thanks to visual workflow management, the transcription of priority documents in your preferred order is managed with ease. Relevant data such as length, author name, key words and priority status are accessible throughout the entire transcription process. Various features such as graphical position indicator, audio volume meter and audible scan function facilitate the transcription process. Speed control, DSS / WAV / WMA / MP3 playback and automatic backspace provide first-class reproduction of your dictations. Dictation files are transferred automatically using the network. Featuring Windows Explorer style interface, the time needed to get accustomed to SpeechExec is minimal. A configurable work list enables the user to sort, hide and show columns etc. The DSS file format is the standard for professional dictation. Offering outstanding audio quality reduced file sizes, network traffic and required storage capacity. This format also allows additional information, such as client/patient name, and document type to be stored in the file header, further facilitating file organization. The durable, lightweight earphones enhance comfort for extended use. Designed for an under-the-chin fit for better comfort, they feature a 10-foot cable for the freedom to move around. The new Foot Control was developed in close cooperation with hospital ergonomists and professional end users in order to guarantee a smooth transcription process with minimal physical strain. Can easily be adapted to one’s personal preferences. Package contains SpeechExec Transcribe Software, USB Foot Control, Earphones 334, USB Software Dongle (license key) and installation guide.

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